The Happiest Man in the World

One Man's Never Ending Journey to Happiness

The Happiest Man in the World is Retiring

The Happiest Man in the World is retiring. Or rather, I’m retiring this blog. In its place, I’m launching a weekly email newsletter called Refilling the Cup. Refilling the Cup will focus on sharing practical lessons on how to live a better life that come from philosophy, history, science, literature and more. Unlike The Happiest Man in the World, which was a mix between self-help advice, quippy aphorisms, and self-indulgence,.. Read More

How to Shop for Christmas at the Last Minute without Stress

christmas stress

Yesterday, I wrote about how I was converted from a Grinch to someone who loves Christmas. One of my reasons for my previous Grinch-like tendencies was the stress of Christmas shopping. I don’t like crowds. I don’t like shopping. And for some reason, despite being an organized person, I can’t bring myself to shop for Christmas ahead of time. It’s almost as if it would be contrary to the Holiday.. Read More

The Birth of Happiest Man in the World

Happiness Journey

On the Saturday morning of my 30th birthday, I rolled out of bed and brewed a pot of coffee. I lazily browsed the web until the coffee was ready, and then I poured two cups, and brought one to the love of my life, who was still asleep. Waking slowly, she wished me a Happy Birthday, thanked me for the coffee and told me I should jump into the shower… Read More