The Happiest Man in the World

One Man's Never Ending Journey to Happiness

Why Slackers are Happier than You

In my early twenties, I left behind a legal career, took a substantial pay cut and joined a large company working as an entry-level marketer. The job was not exactly challenging, the pay was mediocre, and I was definitely at the bottom of the food chain. I had a crappy apartment that wasn’t exactly in what you would call the right part of town. On the flip slide, I had.. Read More

How Writing a Novel Reminded Me How to Have Fun

The secret is out. Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been working on a novel. I’ve been writing fiction for over a decade and have published a few short stories but have never before finished a novel. This year, that changes. I am well on my way to finishing the first draft and you can even follow along as I write it at the novel’s website: Every two.. Read More

Protect the Old, Make Room for the New

I’m an old soul at heart. When I was young, teachers used to tell my parents that I was very mature for my age. Now that I’m not so young, I find myself gravitating towards the comfort of the recognizable, and the known versus the new and the cutting edge. My music collection doesn’t have a whole lot in it from any year after I graduated from college. I have.. Read More

What I Learned After Six Months of Meditation

I started a daily meditation practice on November 1, 2014. Since that day, I am incredibly proud to say that I have not missed a single day of practice. That’s over six straight months. Now, I want to share with you what I learned after six months of meditating, how it changed my life, and how it didn’t. However, before we talk about what I learned after six months of meditating,.. Read More

The Perfect Productivity System That Won’t Help You At All

I’m a productive person. I’m organized, and I get more stuff done than the average joe. The biggest compliment someone can ever pay me is, “do you ever sleep?” In fact, I sleep a solid 7.5 hours a night on average. But I wasn’t always this way. In fact, upon entering law school, and then even moreso upon exiting law school, I struggled mightily with stress and anxiety that stemmed from having.. Read More